Credit Through Testing
Accepted Exams
Get credit for you knowledge.
Review the accepted exams, your minimum score requirements, and the specific credit that you can receive.
If you complete Advanced Subsidiary (AS) or Advanced (A) levels, you will be awarded credits based on department approval for select AS and A-level subjects with a score of C or above.
You may be awarded credit if you take AP, CLEP, DSST, or UExcel exams and earn a high enough score on the official exams.
Earn credit based on knowledge you’ve already acquired through experience or independent study through the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) standardized tests. Purdue Fort Wayne does not accept all CLEP exams. Purdue Fort Wayne Testing Services is a national testing center for CLEP. Learn more about registration, CLEP fees, and test dates.
You may earn credit based on knowledge you already have through the DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST). Minimum score requirements will apply.
If you take courses through the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, credits will be awarded based on department approval for select standard level and higher level subjects with a score of 5 or above.
Complete proficiency exams through the UExcel Program offered by Excelsior College and receive credit. Minimum grade requirements will apply.
Some departments at allow for course credit by department exam for select courses that they offer. Specifically, you can complete exams and earn credit for:
BIOL 20300, BIOL 20400
BUS 20002
CHM 11100, CHM 11500, CHM 11600
Contact Testing Services at ptesting@pfw.edu or 260-481-6600 for additional information.